quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2009

The Health Benefits of Tobacco

When practiced in moderation, smoking can load you up with health benefits you never imagined possible. By “moderation,” I mean smoking smart. Let’s face it – three packs a day might do you in after enough years. But by knowing what to smoke and how much, you can enjoy the proven health benefits of tobacco, including its ability to prevent heart disease, control your weight and even reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s disease and certain cancers!


Tobacco smoke may alleviate heart attacks and stroke!

By now, you’ve probably heard of so many studies linking smoking and heart disease. Sure, smoking causes heart disease...and my pet dog speaks Greek, too!

If any patient of mine was ever concerned about cardiovascular health, I’d let them know that one of my favorite prescriptions is 3 delicious cigars a day. And once you take a look at the evidence, you ‘ll start to see why. Consider these facts:

  • Low levels of carbon monoxide may actually help victims of heart attacks and strokes
  • Smokers have a better chance of surviving angioplasty surgery
  • Small doses of nicotine help produce new blood vessel growth around blocked arteries
Meanwhile, all the studies that try to link smoking and heart disease add up to nothing but a bunch of hogwash, and I’ll show you why. For example, while there’s been a sharp decrease in smoking in the USA over the years, there’s been an increase in reported cases of heart disease. Hmm, makes you wonder if something ELSE might be responsible, eh?

So why haven’t you read about these groundbreaking studies in your local newspaper? Well, it’s just not politically acceptable to report good news about tobacco. Not when these stories seriously compromise mountains of government grant money doled out like candy to anti-tobacco researchers and activists… not when it could undermine billions of government revenue from tobacco taxes or the big money that drug companies have invested in anti-smoking drugs…

No, you’ll never hear all these special interests admit the truth… that smoking can be GOOD for your heart. And here’s something else they hoped you’d never learn…

Smoking can protect your brain!

It’s true—study after study proves that smoking can:

  • Slash your risk of Alzheimer’s – studies show that not smoking could actually increase your risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Stop Parkinson’s dead in its tracks – researchers have learned that smokers are 73% less likely to develop Parkinson’s
  • Improve your memory and concentration – the right dose of nicotine can keep your mind sharp as a tack
Yes, indeed, this is disturbing news to those fanatics who hate tobacco—and good news for those of us smart enough to smoke it.

But even I was shocked after digging through study after study proving that in many cases...

Smoke more and live longer!

Here’s a comparison between Japanese men and American men that was reported by the Washington Post, even though it probably didn’t make the cut at your local newspaper:

Japanese men, who are twice as likely to smoke as American men, not only live longer but also remarkably, have lower rates of lung cancer!

Hmmmm...they smoke more AND live longer? Makes you wonder if cigarettes are really to blame for all the deaths over here in the good old
U S of A.

Smoking can actually prevent cancer!

Now this goes against what EVERY SINGLE dunderhead doc in the country is saying, but I don’t care. While excessive smoking can and will lead to cancer in certain scenarios, for the most part it has nothing to do with it.

In fact, smoking may actually help PREVENT certain types of cancers, including thyroid, breast and skin....Unfortunately, I don’t have the space to list all the information here. (...)

William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

Fonte: https://web-purchases.com/640SRTBC/WRHBK7B3/landing.html

The Douglass Report: http://www.douglassreport.com/

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